Tag Archive: Voice Actor

Disney Characters (left) and their voice actors (right)

Connecting: A Twofold Approach

March 19, 2024 9:06 am Published by Leave your thoughts
In the nuanced realm of voice acting, the act of connecting means more than mere vocal execution—it is a twofold strategy. First, it’s important to connect with projects for which you are the right voice, and that speak to the right audience. Secondly, it’s about connecting to the script itself. To start, let’s discuss connecting… View Article
Public Service Announcements - vital messages for public awareness

What is a Voice Over PSA?

February 12, 2024 10:26 am Published by Leave your thoughts
First of all, let’s talk about what a PSA is. PSA stands for Public Service Announcement. Now, who exactly is qualified to make these, you may ask? The government? A not-for-profit organization? Well, really, anyone can. Typically though, Public Service Announcements are produced and broadcast with the intent to inform the public about issues of… View Article