Tag Archive: voice acting

Man Listening to music in front of collage of Galaxy (left) Hobbit Hole (middle) and Alley Marketplace (right)

The Remarkable Return of the Audio Drama

April 29, 2024 2:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
Audio Dramas have a rich history dating back to the Golden Age of Radio in the early 20th century. Radio dramas, also known as “old-time radio,” were immensely popular, captivating audiences with serialized stories, thrilling mysteries, and heartwarming dramas. Images still exist of families huddled around the radio, excited and impatient for their favorite audio… View Article
Businessman yelling through a bullhorn from the roof of a skyscraper

Tell Everyone You Know

April 15, 2024 11:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts
At Voice Coaches, we talk a lot about telling “everyone you know” about being a voice actor. There are a few typical responses we tend to get, like, “Well, I’m not a professional voice actor yet, so when I am, I will tell people.” Well, if no one knows you are one, you may never… View Article
row six people, each with a different profession

The “Corporate” in Corporate Narration

February 26, 2024 3:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
 When I talk about different genres of voiceover work with beginners, sometimes, while uttering the word “corporate” as I discuss corporate narration, a look takes over their face that is similar to the way one looks when they taste or smell something slightly foul. “Corporate Narration,” they say, “Won’t that be dry and stuffy?” or… View Article
What's next new years

New Year! What’s Next?

January 5, 2024 9:20 am Published by Leave your thoughts
Every time the year comes to a close, a tiny seedling of a list begins to grow in my mind… that quickly becomes a wild plant that is taking over my kitchen, threatening to bust through windows in its reach for the sun. Can anyone relate? And there isn’t just one list right? There are… View Article
microphone in studio

Working with Copy as a Radio DJ

December 15, 2023 2:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
As a radio DJ, I often read pre-written scripts or advertisements on air. It’s essential to deliver these messages in a way that keeps my audience engaged and ensures the timing is perfect. So, how do you self-direct as a radio DJ and handle commercial copy like a pro? Sometimes, I encounter scripts that could… View Article
finding work

Having More Than One Channel for Finding Work

September 22, 2023 2:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
Having more than one channel for sourcing voice over work is an important aspect of maintaining a thriving business. The truth is, there can be slow periods for companies and industries that you voice for. There can be changes on online casting sites (trends, algorithms) too, if you happen to use them. If you depend… View Article