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Finding Your Motivation

June 23, 2023 2:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I think it’s safe to say we all have days when we feel in need of either more motivation, inspiration, or a good dose of old-fashioned energy. The thing is, no matter how down we feel, it can be helpful to remember that motivation can be found in even the most mundane tasks. I know what you’re thinking, “Um, scrubbing the dried spaghetti sauce out of my kid’s new t-shirt ain’t gonna cut it..” but believe it or not, even that droll (and borderline gross) task can yield a kind of purpose and sense of satisfaction when completed. So, by learning to find our motivation, we can stay positive and motivated, no matter what life throws us.

How to Find Motivation:
Finding motivation may start with trying to set realistic goals. Bigger goals can be more approachable if you break them down into individual steps. Some people find if you celebrate each milestone, “Ha! Take that spaghetti os,” you can achieve them a bit easier. This might help keep you motivated and on track.

Next, get organized! You may want to create a plan of action for each goal and break that plan into manageable tasks. Then, you can focus on the bite-sized pieces one at a time, instead of trying to down the entire chocolate cake all at once, as tempting as that may be. That well-defined plan of action, broken down, makes it easier to focus on completing one task at a time without getting overwhelmed by larger projects. Also, you might consider prioritizing the tasks so that you focus on meeting the most important ones before moving on to ones that might be less pressing or necessary. Try going old school (I know, shocking) and write your plan of action out on a piece of paper. Then, you can simply check each task off as they are completed. Any time you get overwhelmed you can see the tasks that are marked off as done, which can actually keep you motivated to check off the rest.

Finally, create a support system for someone to turn to if you need help or advice during tough times. A supportive family member or friend can offer encouragement when you need it most and provide helpful tips if you ever feel stuck or overwhelmed by your project/goal (you know who they are.) It helps to know that someone else believes in your success and cares about your progress!

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Tina Mueller

Certified Health & Wellness Coach

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This post was written by Tina Mueller

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