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The “Corporate” in Corporate Narration

February 26, 2024 3:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
 When I talk about different genres of voiceover work with beginners, sometimes, while uttering the word “corporate” as I discuss corporate narration, a look takes over their face that is similar to the way one looks when they taste or smell something slightly foul. “Corporate Narration,” they say, “Won’t that be dry and stuffy?” or… View Article
rear view of man listening to music on headphones

What is Audio Description?

February 5, 2024 2:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
When I first started out in voice over, I mostly did commercial voice overs, as well as promo work for television networks like MTV and HGTV, “Tune in next week and watch the Property Brothers work their magic by turning a homeowner’s dream into a renovated reality!” I always got excited knowing my mom would… View Article
"My first home studio" - lady at recording studio with cat poster

My First Home Studio

January 22, 2024 10:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts
 When I first started voice over I was living in New York City, the big ole’ apple. This was before the “remote age” in voice over (or at least how we experience it today) where I would go into a physical office and audition for a voice over job. I would get the appointment… View Article