StudentCount 16
ClassName Live Web
InstructorFirstName John
InstructorLastName Gallogly
ClassID 11800
ClassComplete 0
ClassNameID 12
ClassCode Web1572
ClassDate 2024-09-18 18:30:00
ClassEnthusiasm 1
ClassComments meta:8 (2 look like reschedules.....moved to resch count see below) Resch:7 (Amy Ayash & Ashley Cons- not marked as rsch) Eventbrite:1 Micah Cook
AccountID 6
SchoolID 1171
SchoolAddressID 2486
ClassDetails 6:30-8 Central webinar ER=12
ClassPromoCode CEN10NHCB60
ClassConfLink https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85019391564
ClassTimeZone CST
ClassType LiveWeb
ClassDuration 90
ClassSize 15
The Live Web class on 09/18/2024 at 06:30 pm is now full.

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