VC Radio

VoiceCoaches Radio #522 – Work It Out

Voice Coaches Radio. Everything voiceover.

Welcome to another brand new episode of Voice Coaches Radio. My name is Marissa. Here we are. It is just nine days away from the first day of spring. I never thought that it would get here. I got to tell you, you know, there were times where it was like, you know, 45 degrees and it felt like a heat wave. Uh, I, I would much rather it be 85 degrees and actually a heat wave.

I, um, I don't do very well when it's cold outside. And my friends realized that at Christmas time, do you know how many blankets I got? Heated blankets, regular blankets, uh, you know, sweaters. Because Apparently I'm just ridiculous and I must complain about it a lot more than I realized, but whatever, to each their own.

Okay. Maybe, maybe I'm just meant to live in a warmer climate. Can we please tell my family to move? Like it's acceptable to move at some point. Like my parents will not even get on a plane. So it just makes things. Super difficult, uh, when, you know, I really feel like I was meant to be on a beach at all times and not the one in, in Cape Cod where it gets cold most of the year, you know?

Uh, but, but to each their own now. Uh, but listen, I hope this is finding you well. Uh, how has everything been going for you when it comes to voiceover stuff? You know, I've come to realize even for myself, like even doing this podcast solo, like it's been trying to work through Some of the technical, right?

Like, I don't know how far away I should be from this microphone to know that like, I'm, I'm popping and, and like my B's are doing things and the P's are doing things. Um, so I apologize if that is happening at any point. I'm still working through that, but listen, this is what we've got to do when we start something new or we're trying to learn something new or we're setting up a home studio, we have.

To work through the technical garbage. Um, and I say, I call it garbage, but let's face it. I mean, it's, it's like learning anything else. It's an important skill that you're developing. Um, you know, and it's always interesting. I mean, listen, we, we use a different system here in, in this studio than I have been utilizing in my almost 20 years of being in this industry.

And, uh, it's, it's pro tools. I mean, it's very much known system that is utilized. everywhere in big studios all over the place and, you know, it is like the, the go to, uh, when it comes to, uh, amazing, you know, recording systems. But for me, I find it very fickle. I find it very fickle and, uh, it, it annoys the crap out of me.

Uh, but, you know, it, all these Different recording programs all work in very similar ways. So it's like, just kind of learning their intricacies, and going with it. And, you know, maybe it's a Google search, maybe it is a YouTube video, a way to really understand exactly how to make something happen. But I'm pretty sure there are people in this building right now, who are like, if Marissa comes and asks me one more question.

Like, can I have the authority to fire her, please? Uh, but listen, I just, I want to learn. Uh, but you know, sometimes things are a little tricky and I can't help it. You're going to come across this as well. You know, when maybe you're setting up that home studio for yourself. And it's like, well, what do I need?

How do I make it happen? How do I keep everything, you know, consistent in sound? And how do I make it sound super professional? Is it? Soundproofing that I need more of? Is it maybe just a little bit of compression on my microphone? Um, do I need to get, you know, some sort of compressor itself to attach my microphone to?

And I actually was just doing this myself, um, you know, I've been really running with the basics of home studio setup for a very long time. I mean, here I am, you know, I hit 17 years of being in the radio industry last November, and I really, at home, All I had was a laptop that had a recording program within it.

I had a microphone that plugged into an audio box that then made it so it was a USB mic, uh, that would then plug into my laptop. And that was really all I had. I mean, I wasn't living some lavish recording lifestyle over here. Um, you know, because I didn't... I also didn't really need it, uh, you know, what, what I had set up at home was good for what I was doing at that point.

And listen, that was, you know, a solid 15 years into my career. That's all I had. Um, only until recently when I started doing more stuff from home, did I realize as I was listening back to certain things like, I mean, it sounds professional, but like, what else can I do to enhance that quality, you know, and really allow it to, to come to life?

And you know, it took a little asking around and seeing what maybe a couple of my friends had in their home studios and, uh, just kind of running with it. But you know, I did, I, I now, you know, for everything that I'm working with, there was a couple of the radio stations that I'm doing that they've, um, well, one sent me a laptop in general.

and a microphone. Uh, the other one I can also record right into their system that's in their studio, but I needed to upgrade one of those laptops just to make sure that it had enough RAM. See, that's always a thing too. Like, you gotta make sure, like, when you are recording anything or doing any kind of, like, video work too, uh, you know, if you feel like expanding your, your horizons a little bit, you gotta have a lot of RAM.

Uh, that is a thing, man. And that, that gets pricey. That's where things can get a little pricey. But listen, like when it comes to just like the basic know hows, like the best things that you can be doing for yourself is just, just like you did learning voice in the first place, right? You immersed yourself in it.

You wanted to know all the ins and outs. How can I make myself the best voice actor? ever. Uh, you know, and it just requires learning some skills, playing around with those skills, growing with them and not, not getting too frustrated in yourself. You got to be kind to yourself along the way, you know, cause anytime you learn anything new, it feels so weird at first.

Uh, and eventually though, you know, it gets a little bit easier and it gets a little bit easier after that. And a little bit easier from there. Um, and the same thing is going to happen with all this. It's technical stuff that you're going to learn on the home studio side of things. You just got to work through all the little kinks and start growing some different parts of your brain that maybe you didn't even, you know, touch before, uh, so you can wrap your head around.

Well, what do I need? How do I make it happen? How do I work this program and get yourself, uh, you know, just completely immersed in the education of it. YouTube is just like a fascinating tool, uh, for any of that, but I will say you're going to find two. When you go even into like a professional recording studio situation there, you'll see, these are professional people.

All they do is utilize this equipment. And still there's going to be problems that come up because as much as we want to say, technology is supposed to make things easier for us. Let's face it. I mean, it doesn't always do what it's. supposed to do or what it's meant to do. And I've had plenty of, you know, scenarios where it's like, we go into do these demo sessions and maybe I'm remote and I'm just kind of patched in through a phone line or whatnot.

And, you know, I can hear the person in the booth, but they can't hear me. And then they can't hear the student. And, you know, it's like, something's not talking to each other and we got to work through it and figure out what. is happening. Um, and you know, the, you'll see them kind of run through their brain of everything they can possibly think of, but this is always why it's good to have a little bit extra studio time than maybe you think you need, because you just never know what kind of hiccups you're going to run through.

Um, and this is just one example, but it always gets figured out eventually. So, uh, you know, do yourself that solid if you are planning on getting a home studio set up or. Um, you know, maybe you're just wanting to know more about how professional studios run and um, just getting some more knowledge about all that equipment.

Get yourself online and start just immersing yourself in all of that knowledge because it's only going to benefit you in the end. Um, you know, you, not only will you know about your, your craft as a talent, but to know the backend of stuff too is always kind of cool. You know, it just gets you a little bit of a step ahead of anybody else.

So get ready. Uh, you know, walking through that technical stuff can be a challenge at first, but it can also also be pretty cool. So we're gonna have more of your, uh, questions and, and stuff coming up here for voice coaches and the podcast. So get ready. If you have anything that you'd like us to talk about [email protected] and we'll catch you next week.

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This week on Voice Coaches Radio, it’s true that not everything will be perfect and nothing will just always go smoothly. We discuss working through then blips and educating yourself for the long haul!