VC Radio

Voice Coaches Radio #591 – Etiquette: Home Studio VS In Studio

That's always a challenge for me, um, as, as a voice professional, pronouncing last names sucks, uh, it really does. But if getting into video games is your thing, I mean, just, best suggestion is to take it on.

And run with it, like, keep practicing, keep recording yourself, keep listening back, get feedback, ask people what they think about the character that you've created, you know, give it a name, it might not be the final name, uh, you know, at some point, but it will be good so you know who you're, who you're being at any given time, but, uh, yeah, video games are a trip, man, um, you know, what I was thinking about was kind of funny, you know, Cause I, I'm in my home studio all the time, right?

And there's, there's different etiquette for your home studio versus when you're in the actual studio. And I feel like there's, there's things you need to remember, right? Like home studio, I'm telling you right now, I get up every morning, I roll out of bed, I don't give a flying anything. And I just go down to my studio, look at however I do with my coffee and I just go for it.

And uh, it's, it's really because I, I mean, I've been doing this forever. It's like, my brain is already. on most of the days, um, you know, it might take an extra second, but that's where the coffee comes in. And I know, Marisa, you're not supposed to drink coffee before a recording session. I know. But, um, again, I, like I said this a couple podcast episodes ago, I break rules, man.

I, I don't always. Practice what I preach. And isn't that the problem with giving advice? Right. Uh, but you know, it's like you roll out of bed, you go and do your thing. I'm just like, you know, no bra just hanging out in my studio. Was that TMI? I don't care. Um, but you know, the quality of my studio, it is what it is.

And I got. Some days it's like a disaster area. It's like a war zone. You know, you got pet hair everywhere. Uh, you've got yesterday's breakfast just kind of sitting there. Um, you know, it's like you have to expect that there's going to be interruptions because you have absolutely no control over that. 90 percent of the time.

Do you have any pets I have in this house? You know, it's like at any given point, if there was a mailman that even creeps down the road, one of the dogs is going to spot him, uh, you know, and it is going to be so loud upstairs that you can't even, uh, you know, and I just have to yell, I'm like, well, you shut up.

Um, you know, so, you know, it's some of the outtakes that I have are classic. Um, you know, you have the opportunity to, when you're home to easily walk away if you're frustrated. And that is such a great thing, you know, but sometimes you get in your head, you know, and then all of a sudden it just affects everything you're doing.

To be able to walk away is great. You also have the comfortability of like nobody's watching you, you know, so it's like, hey, do you, boo. Like, however you go ahead and easily do your recording, do it, you know, if it's going to be the fact that you have to do some jumping jacks before you go ahead, go for it.

You know, if you need to. Have your hair in a ridiculously messy bun and that's where you have your comfort spot? Awesome, more power to ya. You know, um, pets are welcomed. You know, they make noise sometimes. Like I said, when the mailman's going by, but all of a sudden one might just creep down the basement stairs and all of a sudden I've got a little lap pet for a moment.

These are things that happen at the home that maybe don't happen. In studio, and here's the difference, right? In studio, oh, you better have your professional voice actor hat on. Uh, you know, because everything's different. You're not home, you don't have the luxury of... You know, being right next to your potty when you need it or right next to the fridge when you need it.

Um, you know, and, and you can't just take that break because you're on somebody else's timetable, on somebody else's watch. You know, money is, is happening every second that goes by. So, you know, it's like you've got to dress more professionally. You've got to make sure that those clothes don't make any, any damn noise.

You know, you're got to speak more professionally and maybe a little bit more eloquently than you would at home. You know, you have a flub up, you better keep that language at a PG. You know what I mean? Um, and. You gotta bring everything with you that you need. All the supplies. Uh, all the pens and pencils for notes, and the water, and the snacks.

Cause you just, you never know. Uh, and um, You just, you have to make sure that you're taking the criticism that you get. When you're home alone, I mean, most of the time, I mean, I know for me, there ain't nobody else there. I don't get any feedback till after I've done something. You're getting feedback in the moment when you're in the studio, right?

And you gotta take that, and you gotta, Take it like a champ, uh, you know, and you gotta go ahead and just roll with it. It's teamwork in the studio. You know, it's teamwork when you are on site and with other people. Um, and that, I think, is something that I forget about a lot of the time. Not that I forget that it's teamwork, but I forget what it's like to have other people, like, listening in.

Cause... Literally in my basement all the time by myself. The only thing that's listening is like, maybe if the neighbor is being a snoop. Uh, and if that's the case, I mean, get off my property. You know, get the, get off my lawn. Um, you know, but you really just, you need to be able to, to be in the right.

mentality, be able to switch it on and off from home studio to in studio. And I think it's always kind of fun to take that moment and understand the differences, you know, like some people, they never work from home to you. I'm like, how the heck do you do this? Uh, you know, you get much more comfortable, I guess, uh, over time, you know, I'm just, I'm.

I've always kind of been in a studio by myself. Uh, so it's like I'm so used to just like rambling like I am right now and like being authentically me. And like I said before, it's like, do you boo? Uh, that's just me all the time. Uh, but you get in that studio with other people and, and I do, I, it takes me a moment to kind of warm back up and to get back into gear, you know, and not.

be in my head about it, and that's the thing, you know, like you get in your head, you can't just walk away necessarily when you're in the studio because you're on somebody else's time clock, you know what I mean? So it's just, uh, it's always fun to kind of weigh the, we'll say the pros and cons, I guess, but it is, you know, Any situation that you're doing when you're actually getting work is just great, you know, this industry is just a blast.

But for those who have never really tackled it before, maybe you're just starting, you know, maybe this was kind of eye opening to talk about today. But, you know, if you've got anything that you would like us to discuss when it comes to the Voice Coaches podcast, Hit us up. Info at voice coaches. com. Info at voice coaches.

com. An email is always welcomed. We'd love to just even hear some feedback about your experiences in voiceover or how maybe the podcast has helped. Um, or, or maybe like, Hey, Marissa, can you not ramble as much? That'd be great. Uh, but, uh, I do hope that you're having a fantastic summer so far. We'll get a brand new episode of voice coaches radio on for you coming up next week.

Stay safe, everybody.

Information. Information.

This week on Voice Coaches Radio, while Marissa was sitting in her home studio, she realized some of what she does day in and day out, might be frowned upon in a professional studio setting. So today lets discuss the differences of home studio vs in studio etiquette.