VC Radio

Voice Coaches Radio #579: Software Talk

Voice coaches, radio, everything voiceover. And a brand new episode of voice coaches. Radio is upon us. Welcome to it. My name is Marissa. I hope this is finding you well. You know, now that we are into the spring season, softball season is back. I have found myself in a brand new texting group chat. And I don't know if you're like me, but I hate, I hate group chats.

I hate them, especially when it's like 15 people. I don't really know. Uh, you know, I'll be over here doing work and just minding my own. And I looked down, I got like. 17 missed texts. I'm like, what is going on? Is somebody hurt? What's going on? And then I realized, no, it's just a bunch of people like replying to a meme.

Uh, can we not do that to each other? Like, I just, is this the, the, the elder millennial in me? What is it? The geriatric millennial? Is that what they call us? Uh, maybe that's the case. Like, I just, I don't know. I love a good text over a phone call any day. Truly, uh, but I do not like a random group chat with a bunch of people.

I don't know. It's like the worst thing ever Uh, but I hope you are enjoying yourself. You're maybe getting ready for I think, uh, where are we? Is it like Easter weekend? I think? Um, so I mean, I don't know have have some eggs and dye them and find a bunny Uh, I got my own bunny. His name is Graham. He's really cute.

Uh, but uh, I had a question come in From Ashley, and I wanted to tackle this. She has sent in a few different questions over the last couple months. And this one is regarding software and editing when it comes to voiceover. Um, because. I will admit, I feel like everybody's a little different on what they like, and how they work, and what's easiest for them.

But her question is, what software is best for editing vocal tracks, and, and actually, like, what is the most commonly used by professionals in the field? And, again, I think this is kind of like a back and forth. I, I mean, I know, like, here at Voice Coaches, it's, it's all Pro Tools. And that was a little bit of an adjustment for me, uh, because I had always used something called Adobe Edition, which...

Not everybody is super familiar with for me that has always been easier just because it's what I learned on initially back in 2004 when it came to just being in radio school itself It is what they used primarily at the radio stations at the time. It worked very similar to the The software that we would use to edit any phone calls, like when you call into a radio station and you hear yourself played back, usually it's not the full phone call, uh, you know, unless you're calling in live with a morning show or something, uh, most of the time, it's like they've recorded you and they've taken the chunk of that conversation that they want, and that's what they air, uh, you know, these programs all kind of work in the same way, but I mean, same thing with Pro Tools, they all work in a very similar way, it's what you end up being, I guess, most comfortable with overall.

So, In my experience, most recording studios, voice coaches included, It's Pro Tools. That is like the go to, you can go ahead, you can buy the subscription annually. Um, you know, you can go ahead and download the program and get that subscription annually. Uh, you know, if this is like your bread and butter, you know, that's a good tax write off, if you will.

Um, there's a lot of people though, that when they are starting, they end up using... What they can get, uh, what they can get their hands on rather easily, that's gonna get the job done, and that's not gonna break the bank, and in a lot of cases, it goes to the free program that is Audacity, and I will admit, you know, I have an older version of the program I was talking about that I use all the time at home, um, and I don't have a way to really do it.

Upgrade that if I lose it, it's gone. It's like one of those things where it's like they put it on my, my laptop at this one radio station and I've just always had it since. Um, but some of the elements of it stopped working. So, I went and I'm like, you know what? I think I should be able to record in Audacity with some ease.

Not fully have to learn the ins and outs of that program, but take that audio, save it, put it back into Adobe Audition, and do the editing from there. And that is... Honestly made life a little bit easier in the meantime until I go ahead and like bite the bullet and I don't know upgrade myself a little bit, um, but You know, again, everybody kind of, you find your groove, you see what you learn on and you see how comfortable you are with it.

I do know. Yeah, because a lot of people, as they're starting, they don't necessarily have a lot of budget to put into what they're doing. Audacity seems like the good get, and it does the job, but it is a little, to me. Personally, being in the industry for a while and what I've been accustomed to, it seems like it's a little bit trickier.

And it could just be my uneducated brain on this program itself. Uh, but that is where YouTube really comes in handy. Um, you know, I've talked about that before. I mean, tutorials on everything. Like, when I went to do my first audiobook, I did not have audacity at the time. I was strictly doing it through Adobe Audition, and I needed to know the right

I don't even know the word I'm thinking of right now, um, but I had to get it to the right quality. And to do that, I had to change some settings and I could do it with relative ease after the recording process had already happened, which just. saved my life. Um, so that is why YouTube is so incredibly helpful.

Um, but I think, you know, reason why not only do people grab audacity because it's free, it's an easy, quick download. It's a relatively user friendly program. Um, it is, as far as I'm aware, compatible automatically. To like Audible. And when you go to record an audiobook, it kind of already keeps it in the settings that it needs to be.

Uh, and this might be just me again, being uneducated with the program itself, you might have to do something so it recognizes that you're doing something for Audible. Uh, it's just like a certain setting, but it's there and it's there with ease. And that's another reason why a lot of people will go ahead and get themselves, uh, audacity, which again, it is a free, simple.

Download right there online. So if you are somebody that is in that process of starting, you know, pro tools might be a little too advanced. Um, you know, maybe you do want to start with something like audacity, build your education and understanding of the programs, then work your way into something a little bit more major that the, they, they use in the big leagues, if you will.

Um, but that is just, um, something to know. And you know, if you are getting yourself started, it works. with some serious ease. I mean, there was a moment that I was having some serious issues with that other program, like I said, it just stopped working and I was in the middle of recording something. And in a pinch, I went and I downloaded Audacity for the first time, and it saved my booty, to say the least.

So, hopefully that's helping, uh, you Ashley and anybody else that is taking a listen right now, as you are entering the voiceover world. Uh, but those are the couple things that come to my mind when it comes to the programs that are... Uh, most talked about and most used, but, uh, if you've got a question, info at voicecoaches.

com, info at voicecoaches. com. A brand new episode is going to be coming your way coming up next week. Stay safe. Visit voicecoaches. com for more voiceover news and information.

This week on Voice Coaches Radio, Marissa answers the question, “What’s the most common editing software professionals use?”