VC Radio

Voice Coaches Radio #572- Voices, Accents, Languages – Oh My!

Voice coaches, radio, everything voiceover. Welcome to a brand new episode of voice coaches radio. My name is Marissa hoping this is finding you well, as we are nearing the end of February of 2023 already. Uh, you know, it just, I feel like every time I turn around, I'm like, wait, what day is it? How are we this far into the year already?

I haven't gotten to any of the goals that I want to, you know, actually go ahead and hit. Well, I mean, that's not true. I've hit a couple, but still, uh, you know, I've got this website that I bought, like, in the fall of 2022. And I haven't touched that thing yet. It's just, I've been so busy, you know? It's like, trying to get a lot of work done.

But also a lot of the, the at home stuff that I had put off for so, so long because I've been so busy that it's like, that all needs to get done too. Plus, you know, tax time, uh, having to get all that kind of information put together, which by the way, when you work for multiple companies can be a challenge, uh, just a little bit.

You know, thankfully I don't even try to tackle that on my own. Like I get all my numbers together, but then I give it to somebody else. I'm like, here, have fun, uh, because I failed math twice. And ain't nobody with this kind of brain needing to be looking at numbers. Cause I'm going to, I'm going to be flipping things like crazy.

Uh, but yeah, it's like, I don't know, eight different W2s. So somebody else is going to handle that. But yeah, hopefully you are feeling good here as we embark in a brand new episode of voice coaches radio. I had decided that I was going to reach out to a couple of students on Instagram just to, just to kind of pick their brains a little bit, because, you know, Here's the thing, when you're in the industry, right, and you're in it, and you're fully just like navigating and you're just going and doing your day to day, it can be really hard to...

know what some people are, are confused about at first, you know, and like, these are just the day to day things that, you know, we, we don't think about after a while because, you know, we've been doing it and it's second nature and it's, it feels right and it's helping allow us to, you know, go through this industry with ease and, and whatever, but.

You know, as you're beginning, and if there's something is like so, so brand spanking new, it is so very much out of the norm of what you're used to doing, it can be very challenging to know what exactly are the right steps to take, or what kind of programs you should be using, or, you know, what things are beneficial to You know, uh, being a voice talent or what things can be damaging.

Like, so these are some of the things that we are going to be talking about over the course of the next few weeks, along with having some, some guests popping on as well. Um, you know, last week we were thankful to have Mackenzie join us for, uh, the pod. And I mean, that was a couple of weeks in the making.

I know, uh, you know, this time of the year is tough for everybody, right? Cause it's like, there's different bugs floating around and whether you're getting COVID for the sixth time or you're just getting the, the. Typical, you know, cold or flu. Um, you know, it can be a little challenging just trying to uh, you know, set things up with people but uh, you know, it was nice to have her on.

Um, I do, I have a couple more other students that are going to be popping on. I want to shout out to Anisha too, who was recently on the podcast and I've heard through the grapevine here. That she's in the process of actually getting an agent. Not that you have to get an agent, right? that's not something that we always recommend that you go out and do especially as you're beginning because it's like it's not necessary, but If I heard correctly, she might be doing some stuff with Disney Like so she's gonna have to come back on the pod soon, too So I can find out exactly what's up in her neck of the woods but I wanted to get to a couple questions that Ashley had and I I think like This is, this is it, right?

This is the stuff that we start contemplating as we're getting into this industry. Like, do I have what it takes? Is my voice really enough? Is my voice on its own enough? So what she has asked me here is, do you have to be able to do multiple voices? or accents to be successful, and is it beneficial to know multiple languages?

So let's, let's tackle that first question first, right? We'll go in numerical order, if you will. Do you have to be able to do multiple voices and accents to be successful? I mean, I think the short answer there is no. I mean, personally, I, I've said this to students before where, you know, they'll be in their demo or whatever and they're hearing things that they're doing and, or they're practicing, like, you know, they're, they're doing some stuff in class and, you know, they'll stop me and be like, but I just, I feel like I sound the same on everything.

And it's like, okay, but remember what. Our overall goal is think about it. Like what is the overall goal at first, especially to sound like you, right? Like, that is what we always strive for is just to sound like you. And you're gonna sound like you on anything that you do. I mean, if you really, really think about that hard, you know, whether you're doing an audio book or.

You're maybe doing a voicemail piece or, or a training module. Do you think that you're going to sound drastically different on any of that? If you are really at the end of the day, your goal is to just sound like you? No, you know, because the hardest thing for so many people Right here in the beginning is just to do that.

Bringing who they are to the script, to the page. So many people pick up something and you lose all of your personality. You lose all of who you are and all that naturalness and you become rather robotic and just kind of dull and boring. So it's like bringing back the engaging part of you. It's bringing back the personality and That's not an easy task for anybody, uh, but that is the overall goal, especially in the beginning and especially for the most basic of, of gigs that you're going to get.

You know, it's like, I don't care if you're doing a documentary or you're doing a commercial or you are doing, you know, an educational piece for. I don't know some dairy farm. It's like you are going to end up sounding like you in every single thing you do. Um, you know, when I've thrown that out at students in class, they have this like epiphany moment of like, Holy crap, you're right.

Like, that is the goal. Like, why would I sound different if I'm just sounding like me? Like, no, you're not doing some wild character voice. If you are, then yeah, sure, you're gonna want to sound different. But, you know, in 90 percent of probably what you're going to do, if not more, uh, you are going to, at the end of the day, Just bring you to that project in the qualities that you and your personality bring.

I know that I can't necessarily voice everything that comes in front of me. We've talked about that. You know, it's like I'm not gonna go ahead and try to do some medical piece if I don't feel comfortable doing it. Because that's not my, that's not my jam. That's not my forte. It's not my niche. Uh, you know, but.

I do know that I'm going to fit a lot of, a lot of different projects. Something that's maybe a little more high energy. Something that's a little bit more engaging because of how animated I tend to be. Something that can be really high energy. You know, I'm pretty good at all that kind of stuff. That's a, that is a developed skill.

Even when I am not feeling my most energetic, I can still turn it on. You know, when I need to and go ahead and get the job done. And then the moment I'm done, I'm like, okay, let's go lay down. Um, you know, but. That is a built, built skill. So like, I know that that's a great thing for me. And it's like, yeah, can I tone it down?

Sure. I can be. Soft and sensual when necessary, I can slow it down if you will. Uh, but you know, I know where my strengths are and I know what work is probably going to fit me best and you're going to find out those things too. It's, but the, the, the best thing to remember is you always just want to be you.

So that I think is the, the biggest thing for you to, to remember in that first question, do you need to be able to have multiple voices and accents to be successful? The, the short answer is no. Can they be helpful? Yes. But the big picture of things? Nah. To be successful, you can just be you. Completely and truthfully.

The other thing that she had asked there, is it beneficial to know multiple language, uh, languages? I don't even know English, obviously. Uh, but I mean, yeah, it can be very beneficial. I will tell you right now. I mean, it is the thing that I say to students right off the bat in class one. It's like, I don't...

I don't even speak English all that well. I just, I'm very sarcastic. That's what I am fluent in. Um, you know, but is it beneficial to be fluent in Spanish? Is it beneficial to be fluent in German or Japanese or whatever? I don't know all the languages that are out there. Again, I barely know English. But, yeah, it can be very beneficial because then you can get work that I can't.

You can get work that a whole bunch of people can't, you know, because you are fluent in that language, but you need to be fluent. That's the thing, right? Because there are certain, certain dialects and certain ways of presentation with different languages that if it is not your first language and you are not fluent in it, it will be known to somebody who is fluent.

You know what I mean? So it's like that can be beneficial. However, It's not detrimental to your success either. So, just, you know, if you want to go ahead and start navigating and learning and, and training yourself in a different language to widen your horizon and playing field, like, I'm never going to discourage anybody from trying to grow, you know, but know that it is not

So, those are just a couple questions that Ashley had, and we're going to end up tackling some more of your questions, uh, coming up next week. Again, more guests coming. If you ever have anything to, uh, hit me up with here on the podcast that you would like talked about, info at voicecoaches. com, all right, info at voicecoaches.

com, and a brand new episode is coming your way next week here with Voice Coaches Radio. Stay safe, everybody.

Visit voicecoaches. com for more voiceover news and information.

This week on Voice Coaches Radio, Marissa tackles a couple student questions regarding multiple voices, accents and languages and how important it is to being successful in voice over.