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Voice Coaches Radio #561 – Talking Is Tough

Voice Coaches Radio. Everything voiceover. Welcome to a brand new episode of Voice Coaches Radio. My name is Marissa. Well on in to December now. I hope that you're enjoying the holiday season, maybe taking a little bit of a break, or, I mean, because it is the holiday season, you might be in full swing of things, getting a lot, a lot of voice stuff done.

Um, You know, it's like we're kind of wrapping up the year, right? And you get a lot of stuff kind of all of a sudden in the inbox and it's like, how do I handle it all? Um, but you know, I hope that uh, you're you're dealing with it the best way that you can You know, I uh, I started realizing over the last couple weeks I've been working a lot like I mean You know, if you've been paying attention to the podcast, you know how much work that I actually do on the regular basis here But there's been like more on top of it over time and like I mean I work overtime every day, but like it's been additional overtime and then, you know, days off really are few and far between.

And all of a sudden, my voice box is just like, nah, I don't want to do anything. And it's awful. Like it's one of those horrible feelings that I don't, I don't even know what to do with. Um, you know, people ask me about vocal health all the time. And like, I feel like I. I am a rather healthy human being, like I know my body, I know what I need to do, I know, um, you know, how to, how to take care of it and like things that help it and, but.

This is a weird situation, like the last time I felt something like this, I realized I was drinking too much seltzer and like the bubbles, the carbonation was like burning my esophagus or something and it was just making things really, really difficult. Um, and you know, I cleared that up, that was back in the spring.

Right now, I really truly believe it is just from overwork and, and any little bit of stress that I might feel, it goes right to. That area, and I just, you can feel it being tense, and it's, it's, it's like, the only way I can describe it is like, if you think about, like, put your hand to, like, the part of your neck where it meets your, like, right before, like, above your chest, like, right in that spot, and just push.

That, that is not a fun feeling, right? And that's what it has felt like at times for me. And, and I'm trying to Google things, like, is this a problem? Like, is this just momentary? Or is this, like, actually a thing? And there is some sort of, like, um... A stress dysmorphia or, or something like that, that is, it's not good and it's like not necessarily fixable.

I don't think that's the case here. I truly do believe that it is just overuse. Um, and it's, you know, it's one of those things where, what can I do about it? You know, other than trying to get enough sleep and taking care of it in all the other ways that I know, doing vocal warmups. I'm not somebody, I will admit, I'm not somebody that typically does a lot of vocal warmup.

I usually use my time in the gym in the morning. as that, that kind of like getting the energy going and the blood flowing and all that kind of stuff. Um, but I have been doing a lot more vocal warmups recently because I feel like right, right now, like if you're listening to this episode compared to just even a couple of weeks ago, I do feel like I'm a lot like deeper, raspier, um, almost feeling like I'm having to hold back a little bit and, And that's not wrong.

Uh, that's that's how it feels in life too. Um, I went to a friend's house like A couple of days ago, and, uh, Like, my other friend was like, No, my voice is definitely deeper than Marissa's. I'm like, uh, no. And her friend was like, no, definitely not. Uh, and I can't help it. Um, you know, it's deep in general, but then when there's something going on with it, it's like, oh, we're gonna make this so you sound a little bit like James Earl Jones right now, but like, in a female body.

Is that cool? Uh, no, it's not. Um, but, you know, it is what it is. I will tell you this, like, at its worst, I, I made sure I was drinking like the throat coat tea. Um, again, doing like lots of vocal warmups, trying to have vocal rest when necessary or when, uh, when, uh, like ability to do that. And, um, and chlore septic spray.

I gotta be honest like that. Like when I was trying to do classes, um, While feeling like that, it, it, it is very tough because like talking is tough in, in itself when it feels that way. Um, and I noticed that the chloroceptic spray would numb it for a minute and it's like, Oh, it kind of relaxed because of that.

And it is, it is a stress and I know it. And I, I feel like there's certain times where I notice that all of a sudden I am just like completely relaxed in life and it just. Like all of a sudden I'm like, oh, it feels fine. It feels okay. Uh, but then there's just, I mean, trying to get through the work day, right?

And that's potentially, for me, it's like, I don't know, sometimes 10, 12 hours, depending. Uh, probably, probably more. Um, and just trying to know that I have that task to do, and how daunting that might feel, knowing that right from the jump that day, I'm like, alright, I'm feeling it. Let's go. Um, some people look at me and they're like, Marissa, you're crazy.

And I'm like, yeah, you know what? At this point, I might agree. But, whatever. It's happening, and I can't really do anything about it, and I'm just kind of hoping that once the holiday season gets by, uh, it might kind of dissipate on its own. Uh, you know, it's just a matter of some, some things falling into place potentially, but That being said, I had a lot of students that were reaching out.

Um, you know, I talked about James Earl Jones a couple weeks ago and the fact that he decided to sort of step back and retire a bit. Uh, which was very much earned and deserved. And, you know, we got some AI technology that's going to be helping allow his voice to kind of stay very prominent in his roles that he has had, especially as Darth Vader.

Uh, But in the last month or so, uh, we did lose someone else that was very prominent for those of us who may have grown up in, especially like in the 90s, uh, the, the voice of Batman, actor Kevin Conroy, died at the age of 66 and, I mean, 30 plus years in various Batman roles in a lot of the animated series and movies and, um, That is a voice of a generation.

I mean, for real. Uh, you know, and it's, it's, it's tough because I think, you know, a lot of us are getting to that age and a lot of the people that we grew up loving are starting to say bye bye. Um, you know, in the, like, most, uh, cheesiest way that I could have just said that, bye bye. Um, but, It's, it's hard and it, it's, it, it just, it takes, um, it takes like a piece of you away in a, in a way.

Like it's a piece of your childhood that's just gone. Um, so, I mean, I know that happened here with, with Kevin Conroy. I know that has happened. Uh, Jason David Frank, he was the guy who, uh, recently passed away from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. That was another huge show, uh, when I was growing up. And, you know, that obviously not voice acting, but he did do some voice acting for the series and stuff, uh, video game wise and, and whatnot.

Oh, he's a very prominent figure, even though it started out as kind of like a bad guy on that show, he became like a very nostalgic, very fan favorite, like, even after all the years, you know, when they brought back the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he's the one who came back, um, you know, because the fans wanted that so badly, um, so, you know, when we see these kind of things happen, God, it just sucks, but like, look at the legacy they are leaving, you know, and the fact that we did have that kind of reaction when we heard the news, you know, like That itself says, man, they left their mark, you know, and that's what a lot of, you know, I talked to some students and stuff and, and they're like, I want to make a difference.

I want to make a mark. I want to, you know, leave my voice behind. And it's like, you know, that it's a great thing to, to want to have something like that. And, and a lot of us. You know, when we do, like, it doesn't matter what kind of work we do, we might not, we might not be Kevin Conroy, we might, we're not gonna be Batman, necessarily, but, hey, we did that audiobook, and that was somebody's favorite audiobook.

They've gone back and they've listened to it ten times, and they know your name. Like, that, that itself is kind of cool, you know, and um, It's just, uh, it is like, you, you do, you will have an impact without even realizing you're having an impact at times. It's happened to me, like, I mean, doing all the radio that I've done over the last almost 20 years, you know, It's like, I remember losing my, my one job right here in Albany that I had had for a very long time.

And, You know, you'd think that people care or that maybe they're having some sort of reaction to you losing a job. Um, you know, because I didn't lose it for any other reason other than like a budget. Like, ooh, let's get this number out of here. Uh, and then bye bye, Marissa. Another bye bye. Uh, but, you know, when that happened...

I mean, the flood of messages that came in, the flood of feelings that I was getting from so many people in the community, and it really did just make me go, well, wow, you know, I wanted to have an impact, and I guess, like, maybe I didn't even put a lot of thought into what I was doing to create an impact, but it was working regardless, because at the end of the day, I was, like, just being myself, and a lot of people realized that, I think.

Like, they didn't feel anything phony or fake. They just felt real. And with that, you know, comes a connection, and, and when you lose that connection, it's felt, and that's what we're feeling, you know, in a lot of ways with, with these people that are, you know, passing away or, uh, unfortunately, like Jason David Frank, I know that was a, uh, a mental health situation and, um, a taking of his own life, but, you know, it, it's, When you're doing things in the right ways, you are making that impact.

And, and I guess, you know, if anything, it's like, take their stories that, you know, that Kevin Conroy story story of like, you know, making such an impact like that and being that character and like bringing it to life and bring that to everything that you do, you know, allow yourself to be at your absolute best for everything and just keep getting better.

And Your, your legacy is, is going to be yours. It's not going to be Kevin's, but you're going to leave your mark. Um, and it's, it's going to feel good. You know, all of this work feels really good. Um, you know, some people look, look at it like you're just being silly and having fun. And it's like, yeah, in some cases, maybe that is the case.

Um, but. For us, um, you know, in a, in a lot of ways, it's, it's much bigger than that. Um, you know, and, and it can be, but, uh, listen, if you've got a topic that you want discussed here on voice coaches radio, feel free info at voice coaches. com. A brand new episode is coming at you next week, right here. Stay safe.

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This week on Voice Coaches Radio, Marissa has had a rough go the last couple weeks vocally..she talks about what she’s been experiencing, what she’s done to help and also the passing of a voice over legend.