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Voice Coaches Radio #557 – But It Isn’t Natural…

Voice coaches, radio, everything voiceover. Welcome

to a brand new episode of voice coaches, radio. My name is Marissa. I hope this is finding you well, as we are a couple of weeks now into November. Can you believe it? Years just flying by pretty soon. We are going to be talking about the holiday. Season and, uh, you know, just like the upcoming holiday specials and maybe goals for the new year and, um, Christmas time and like all those things.

So, uh, that'll be coming. You know, what I find really annoying is, uh, you know, as an example around Halloween, it was like the only way to see the great pumpkin was to have Apple TV. Like, no, thank you. Remember back in the day. Which was not this long, like it wasn't all that long ago. We're like, I don't need these DVDs anymore.

Goodbye, Blu ray. Everything is just a click away on demand. And it's like, yeah, if you want to have a million streaming services. Or, instead of spending all that money every month, you know what I could do? I could go ahead and I could literally have a dollar DVD from eBay right now, and I would have Charlie Brown at my fingertips at all times.

I'm just saying, you know, sometimes it pays to have a DVD, you know? I'm just throwing it out there. But, uh, anyway, today is also, if you're listening to this, on release day. It is 11 11, so I just, I challenge you to make a wish. Go ahead, think about it. What would, like an attainable goal, what, what would you do right now?

Like, think about what that goal would be. I'm gonna close my eyes, I'm gonna make my own wish. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, okay, and I'm gonna open my eyes, and no frozen margarita. Uh, alright. That's a bummer. Um, but it is Friday, so I can go ahead and I can get one of those later. Um, you know, at least I can go ahead and get some additional caffeine, because that's around the corner outside the hall.

Uh, maybe I don't need that right now. You might be listening going, Okay, Mar, calm down. Calm down on the caffeine. Um, no. I'm just going to say, no, I need that caffeine. Do you know how much crap I do every single day? I need to be energetic and on top of it. So more caffeine for me. Uh, but listen, um, you know, we got a lot of students that go throughout the program and have, uh, questions.

Um, we have people that email in that are just listeners of the podcast. By the way, you can always do that info at voicecoaches. com. You can direct the email to me and, uh, the podcast, and we can go ahead and answer those questions for you. Now, one of those questions happens to be from a rather new student who was about to start the program and with that, uh, he sent in a question regarding commercials and the way that they are written.

Now, I'm going to do my best to explain why they are written in the way that they are because I get it. You know, we look at these things and they seem like they are written in a way that we would not typically speak. And in reality. You know, because his, his whole premise here was like, why are they written in an announcer like fashion rather than more conversational?

And it's like, hold up though, uh, it's not really written in an announcer like fashion. Instead, we have this misconception of commercials and what we hear in our heads. Right? Like, when you think of a commercial, chances are you think of like, introducing this brand new product, blah, blah, blah, and it's gonna be at a store near you.

And it's like, those commercials really haven't been done that way in years. In years, but it is ingrained in our brain. so many ways. Like I challenge you, you end up, you know, clicking off of the podcast when it's done, you go and you listen to some commercials. Tell me how, how you hear them. I mean, they, again, they might be written in a style where it's like, nobody would say that in life.

Sure. But are they conversational? Probably. They're done in a way that is relatable. That you can go ahead and and you can you can easily relate and and be like that is a real human You know, it's not just somebody necessarily trying to sell sell sell even though truly that is what they're doing They are trying to make that situation, uh, a more relatable situation, um, so that way you have that human connection.

Now, the way they're written, you know, the biggest thing that all commercials need to accomplish comes down to something very simple. I mean, it seems simple in the big picture of things, but it is probably the most challenging aspect. of the commercial itself. And that is solving someone's problem. It is solving someone's need.

You know, and, and you've only got like 15, 30, maybe 60 seconds if you're lucky. If you are lucky. If that company wants to spend the money. The additional money for a 60 second ad, you know, it all comes down to budgetary purposes. That's why some are so short um, but you know think about it, you know when we go to Fill 30 or 60 seconds and we don't know what we're gonna say.

It feels like an eternity But when you know what you're gonna say or what you need to accomplish within that 60 seconds I mean, you might have too much to put in there, uh, you know, honestly, and you've gotta be creative in how you distribute that information throughout where it is going to be able to be done in a rather conversational manner, but you are getting your point across, and you are solving that human's problem at the other side of this, so it's like, we'll take as an example, you know, you gotta look at whatever product you have, and You really need to set the stage, you know, so it's like, well, maybe it's maybe it's scented Durable trash bags, right?

You know, it's like you've got to think about all the benefits of that product And there's probably quite a few more so than just the fact that it's scented and it's durable, you know, there's probably Other things that come along with that, maybe it's price, maybe it's, um, I mean, I don't even know, uh, sizing, uh, whatever.

I mean, you, I don't, clearly I'm not trying to sell trash bags in this moment, but you know what I mean? There's probably a listing of benefits that come along with this that are more than just a couple basic that you are going to want to heavily push. But how do you present that in a way that is going to be conversational?

You have to also remember that we live in a society. That we're not paying attention half the time, you know, we're in that instantaneous mode. We keep on moving forward in, in like, you know, we're, we're hearing things, but half, we're not even half listening. Like it used to be a half listening situation. I think that we are like one third listening, you know, it's, it's ridiculous these days.

So it's like, you need to make sure that you are saying that product name, not once, not twice, not even three times like it used to be, but like as many times as you can fit in there. That makes sense. Because somebody needs to remember that product name. And sometimes, I mean, it takes multiple hears of that commercial.

So you want to make sure that you're not only repetitively saying it within the piece, but you're also, you know, scheduling that or having a nice, schedule of play in hopes that that person will go ahead and hear it multiple times. So they'll remember when they hit the grocery aisle, it's like, Oh, Hey, that's that lavender scented, durable trash bag that I needed to grab.

That's going to solve my problem on my stinky kitchen. Uh, you know, so it's like, there's just a couple of reasons as to why they're written in the way that they are now. They also have to hit some emotional triggers. You know, you gotta, you gotta make sure that you are hitting somebody to the core. And the only way to do that is to kind of make something as relatable as possible.

You know, you're a mom on the go, you know, and, and you've got kids that you're toting around and you don't have all the time in the world. You walk into that kitchen and, Oh, last night's chicken still in the trash, but the bag isn't full. I mean, you don't want to go ahead and waste that, that garbage bag.

So you, you keep it there. And next thing you know, stinky kitchen. Hey, we're going to solve your problem. You know, here is this brand new durable lavender trash bag. Uh, now, yeah, what I just said, rather conversational, right, but not going to get the full point across because if I'm only stating what I said right there in that moment, even that was probably about 15 to 30 seconds in itself and that wasn't even giving you all the information you needed.

It was setting the stage, you know, it was setting the stage for an emotional trigger. But how do you do that in 60 seconds? You got to get creative with it, you know? So There's other things to also be thinking about and it's really just, it comes down to, you know, implementing some, some fear of missing out, depending on what the product might be, you know, it's only here for a limited time, you know, it's like, I wouldn't say that to anybody in life, like, Hey, got to hang out with me.

It's for a limited time. Uh, in reality that might be true. I don't know when my day is done. Uh, you know what I mean? But uh, i'm not walking around in life with a sign of saying like hey better hang out with me this weekend Here for a limited time. Uh, that would be really creepy. Uh, I'm thinking about it even more.

There are ways that these are written And it really comes down to, to getting the point across in a very short amount of time. So you've got to always be thinking again, it is repetitive because people don't pay attention. It is beneficial. Like how is this product beneficial? I've got to list all these benefits.

I've got to set the stage as to why this is such a relatable and needed product. I've got to go ahead and tell people how they can get it. And I've got to go ahead and, and, um, you know, tell them, Hey, is this like, is this coming out soon? Is it for a limited time? Like what, what's the situation here? Um, you know, so it's like, that's a lot.

For such a short amount of time, and I think that's why, you know, when, when things are written in the way that they are, while it seems like, you know, I would never say this in life, I mean, there is always, always a good reason behind it, and it comes back to, uh, just, you know, maybe time constraints at the end of the day.

When I've had students be like, well, I, I wouldn't say this, I don't know how I can make this conversational, I don't know, you know, how I could pretend I'm even saying this to somebody else, it's like, well, think about it real quick. You know, say, like the example I always give in class is something very simple.

You know, you think about the fact that maybe you auditioned for a play, and you got the part, right? Like, you go and you memorize all your lines, and you go and you kick some serious butt in that play, and you've become that character, and people are so proud of you, and you're proud of yourself, and you're like, yeah, look what I did.

I made that character come to life. Uh, you know, and that feels good. Here's the thing. Do you talk like that character in life? Probably not, right? Especially like if you're doing something, like say you're like me, and you're from New York, but your character is super Southern, right? They're from the heart of Louisiana, and all of a sudden you're just bringing that character to life.

Guess what? I don't talk like that on the reg, you know? But all of a sudden I do in this play, and I've made it work. Same thing goes for commercials. You know, it sounds like such a drastic, like, difference. In life for you when you get that commercial in front of you like I would never say this but it's like that is where just a little bit of acting might be necessary and you know, sure, not being yourself.

I mean, it can be quite the challenge at first. It's all in how you wrap your head around it. You want to be you. You want to be talking to somebody and you want to solve their problem in a commercial, right? Um, and sometimes times. You just, you got to act it out and do your best with what's given and what's provided and make it your own, you know, without changing those words, make it your own.

Um, so I challenge you to pick up some copy and play around with it today. All right. You know, that is my wish for you is that you pick up a piece of copy. You play around with it today and you make that commercial your own, you know, you don't change any words. You don't go ahead and get upset because it's it's written like i'm an announcer.

No, you're not. Um, You are just you, uh, you know, go ahead and make it your own like when I was starting All I had to go on from my, my teachers was something simple. It was like, Hey, you are having a great time in that studio by yourself on the radio. So it's like, go ahead and sound like you're having a party, which was their simple way of saying, Hey, get a smile on your face.

All right. And then also you're talking to your best friend. Uh, that was always their big go to. So, I'm me, I'm smiling, I'm talking to my best friend, and I'm telling them how beneficial this product is going to be to them. That is your goal, uh, and your challenge to go ahead and tackle today. Alright, so pick up a commercial, and, and make that commercial your B, without me having to put an FCC warning explicit.

On this podcast episode, but yeah, I, hopefully that answers that question in the best of ways that I can. Um, if you need something more in depth, feel free to email me, um, and I'll try to do better, but I mean, it comes down to time constraints and, and things that need to be told and need to be sold to that human.

Um, but listen, if you've got something that you want us to tackle info at voice coaches. com, my goal here is to get more questions answered and more former students. If you happen to be a former student or maybe a current student and you've already been kind of navigating things a little bit, been getting some work or, you know, some inquiries, let me know.

I would love, love, love to talk to you and see how your story has been progressing. So info at voicecoaches. com. A brand new podcast episode is coming at you next week. Stay safe and happy 11 11. Visit voicecoaches. com for more voiceover news and information.

This week on Voice Coaches Radio, Marissa tackles a student question of “but, why are commercials written in such an unnatural way???”