VC Radio

Voice Coaches Radio #543 – Former Student Kelly White Gives An Update!

Voice coaches radio, everything voiceover. Welcome everybody to a brand new episode of voice coaches radio. My name is Marissa. We, um, you could probably just tell with the sound difference of the echo of my living room that I am not in the voice coach's studio. Instead, I am here technically on zoom with a former student, Kelly White.

Welcome to the podcast. Thank you. Thank you, Marissa. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. Yeah. I'm glad to see you again. I know like we had each other for which class. Um, it was, oh my gosh, it was a while ago. Yeah. It was a while ago. I'm thinking it was, what did February or March and 2020, I think it was, I think it was that long ago.

Oh, great. One of my first actually. That's funny. Um, so, so yeah, that was a while ago. Um, but well, before, before we get into, um, you know, a little bit more about you, I want to, first of all, apologize for how I look. It's a good thing that this is just audio based for this podcast, but blazing hot. Um, you know, so it is, it's so, it's so hot.

Like I looked at the app earlier and it said 97 degrees feels like 108. And I'm like, dude, why is that even like, register? I like, that's annoying. Yeah, exactly. I'm just like, once you tell me it feels like a hundred, I don't need to know how much above a hundred it is. I, I, I'm cool. Just, just leave it where it is, but also like, Just tell me how it feels in general.

Don't, don't tell me what the temperature is then. I, cause if it feel, if it's 97, but feels like 108, guess what? It's 108. Exactly. And it's hot either way. Just say the word hot and I'm good. I'm not going outside. I'm good. Hot works for me. The hot one out there, dog. Uh, sound like Brandi Jackson circa 2002.

Uh, but listen, um, you know, we can, we can at least, uh, be comfortable inside right now, I guess. Um, but tell me and, and tell, tell our listeners, you know, you did, you did the program and it's been a minute. What? What got you to want to be a part of the program in the first place for voice coaches? Like, what, what gained your interest in, in voiceover?

Right. Well, um, the way it started is that I had met a local radio personality here in Richmond, Virginia, where I'm, where I'm staying right now. And, um... She, it was at a, an event where I was a vendor because I have another business as a travel professional. So I was a vendor trying to, you know, get more clients and I was speaking with her and she's just like, Oh, you know, you have an amazing voice.

And I love hearing you speak. And have you ever thought about radio? I was just like, No, I mean, just not even close, not even a remote possibility of that. I was like, no, absolutely not. She's just like, no, let's, let's, let's talk. Let's have a meeting. And, you know, I think there'd be a spot for you at the radio station I work with.

I was just like, okay. So we spoke and, you know, she said it would be. At most like a 15 minute spot, you know, it would be on a Sunday morning when they do like a lot of talk radio and she's like, you can talk about your business and do all that other kind of stuff. I was just like, you know what? Why not?

Let's go for it. So we did it. And I actually did it for a year and it was I so enjoyed it. I've, you know, I learned to get comfortable with the mic and, you know, I did my own promos and it was really cool. So, um, That show ended and I was just like, well, I love it now. So now what do I do? You know, I've always said this to people because, you know, I've had people with me in radio and I've been a budget cut at like a few times.

And they're like, well, have you ever thought of doing something else? And I'm like, I'm sorry. First of all, if somebody told you or asked you, like, have you ever thought of doing something else when you've been doing your dream job? Like it's like a punch to the gut. Um, but on top of that, it's like, once you get bit by the radio bug.

Hmm. It's in you. It's in you. When you can't get rid of it, it is a cancer. Uh, but it, but it exactly, honestly, sometimes it's like the best thing in the world. So, uh, tell, tell me more. Yep. It's definitely is the best thing in the world. Best thing, best decision I've ever made, honestly. So, um, I was trying to think, I was just like, well, what else can I do?

I don't want to completely give my mic up, but you know, what else can I get into? So I had a friend who was a DJ on an internet radio station. He was just like, duh, going to voiceover. I was a voiceover. What the heck is that? Right. Just duh. So, um, He's like, every single commercial you hear where you don't see a person, that's a voiceover.

I was like, ah, okay. You know what? Let me check into it. I did some research on it. Um, found this amazing coaching and training program through voice coaches. com. And I was just like, you know what? Let me try this out. So I had that initial zoom meet, um, conference meeting where they talked about the program.

And, um, they received, y'all, you guys are serious about it. It's just like immediately after the meeting is over, we're going to give you guys a call and see, you know, who might be good for the program and who isn't. I was, I freaked out. I was just like, Oh my God, you're going to talk to me today. So I received that phone call and, um.

Everything, evidently, everything went great from there. Um, signed up for the program, got amazing coaching from you guys and, um, got my demos done, my commercial and narration demos through you guys. And, um, I've just been rolling with it ever since, just taking advantage of all different kinds of opportunities.

And it's been great. I absolutely love it. Good, good. So, well, I guess like, tell, what were your first steps? Tell me your first steps outside of Maybe, um, you know, potentially reaching out to your friend that suggested voiceover or any of the radio stuff. Like what, what were your first steps once you got those demos?

Like, what did you do to, to start to build relationships or to just, you know, start to, you know, try to get some work? Right. Well, um, honestly, the, the very first thing I did before I even left the local studio where I recorded my demos is, you know, I made that connection with the engineer, you know, he, he thought I did a really good job.

And, you know, of course I gave him my card and I was just like, look, you know, if you hear of anything that comes up, you know, please let me know if you think I'll be a good fit, just let me know. And, um, you know, I've gotten a few opportunities that way, you know, cause he has their local, you know, marketing companies and corporations that.

Send requests to him for voiceover talent and he'll shoot me an email and say, Hey, I think used to be great for you. And you know, I've gotten auditions that way. So that, I mean, immediately, right after I finished my demos, I made that connection. You're like a boss.

You you know? And I've had only like one instance where I was actually. Like we were wrapping up a demo session and I heard the guys say to the student, he was like, you know, you, you did really great. And like, I want to like, leave your information with me. And it's like, wow. Um, you know, and it, it is smart on their part because it's like, they're, they're getting you fresh.

They know what you're capable of now. And, and yeah, um, so you've gotten a few auditions that way and what else? That's the end of the one. Um, well, the very next step is I, I started doing some research online actually to see, you know, how I could come across some of the roles and, um, you know, I signed up for just about all of the, they call them quote, unquote, pay for play, but I'm fine with them.

Um, you know, backstage. com, voice123. com. I've, you know, I've signed up for all of those and, um, I've been pretty successful with those as well. Okay, good. Yeah, because I know that they, that's more of like, they give you audition opportunities, right? Yes, absolutely. Because there's certain things that we like to steer people away from where it's like, Hey, put your demo on this and you'll be a part of our roster.

And it's like, you're a needle in the haystack when that happens. But if you're seeing the actual audition and you have the opportunity to get in front of somebody, that is a much different case. Yes. So you've gotten some work through that? Yes, absolutely. But I, I think the most success I've gotten, um, honestly, I had a friend who's a screenwriter and she sent me an invitation to Clubhouse.

And so I, yes, so I, I signed on to Clubhouse because she's just like, Kel, there's like 2 million rooms in Clubhouse talking about voiceover. And I was like, okay, I'll, I'll check it out to see what's going on. So. I had signed off a clubhouse and I started tipping into all these different rooms with all these important people.

Like, I mean, I, I was amazed there are not just voiceover actors on there, but, you know, casting directors and agents and all these different people who have all these different rooms where, you know, they, I think. The most success I've had are the rooms where they say, Hey, come up on stage and, you know, read a script real quick and we'll critique you.

I'm like, what are you kidding? Of course. I'm like a free audition in front of somebody I probably would not have met otherwise. I take a, I still to this day, take advantage of all of those because you, you just get to meet people that you may never. Have an opportunity to come across, you know, doing like a regular beating the path on the sidewalk kind of thing.

It's true. Can I tell you, you just said that and I got nervous and I've been doing this forever. Like I got nervous for you.

You got nerves of steel. I like it. I like it. I'm trying I'm trying because you know, I'm such a go getter in my nine to five life as an insurance underwriter Believe it or not So, um, you know, I just I just learned to kind of go after what you really want You're gonna have to do things you would not normally do and i've definitely Have learned that with the voiceover with the voiceover deal.

It's been great though. You know, i've made great connections You know, I'm on a first name basis with Rolanda Watts. I mean, I never would have met her otherwise if it weren't for Clubhouse. You know, I, I went into one of her rooms and got bold enough to get on the stage and ask her a question, and she was just like, Girl, I love your voice.

I need you in my master class. I was just like, Ooh, yes, ma'am. Of course. Absolutely. And so I did, I took her master class. That was, you know, about six weeks. And, um, you know, I was able to make some connections with her that way. So, you know, just... It's just about anything that's presented that, that. I can take advantage of I have, cause you know, you just have to be bold in this business.

You have to make a mark. Girl, you do. And I like that you said that it's like stepping outside the comfort zone, right? Like if I never, if I never stepped out my, uh, outside of my comfort zone, I would not be doing any of this right now. Cause I've talked about this on the podcast. I was a very shy child. I say, I still am in some cases, but it's like.

I was shy right up to when I started in radio at the age of 20, you know, and it took, it took that, um, it took me having that leap of faith in myself where I was in college. I was taking some acting classes just to kind of like try to break from the shyness. I took TV production. I went to this radio school.

I was there for a month and got my first job. You know, sometimes you know what you're supposed to do, but you do have to step outside that comfort zone to start making that happen for yourself. And you're noticing that and the word that you mentioned to a couple of times now is the hustle. The hustle never stops.

The hustle never stops. I mean, some people it's like, oh, I got the first job. Well, now it's just going to keep rolling in. Nah, no, no. Um, you know, if I didn't keep the hustle going, it would have all stopped. But because I'm always just kind of doing something at some point. You know, all of a sudden I'm, I'm, I'm, you know, I'm doing too much now.

It like, it's like, I'm at the point, I'm like, oh my God, I'm tired. And I'm working like every minute of every day. Uh, but it is to get myself to a certain point, you know, and it's like, when you've got goals that you want to reach, you just have to keep the hustle going. And you gotta keep getting like, to get, to get there, right.

To get to that place. And then you got to keep it up to stay there, you know, so it's like, this is, you know, a lot of people might want to look at voiceover, like, Oh, it's like, you know, this is at my free will. And like, I'm going to do this, you know, at my leisure and whatnot. And it's like, cool. You can, if you want.

But, but it is still the entertainment industry at the end of the day. So to truly be where you're going to want to be, even if it is at that little kind of like leisurely scale, you're going to have to still, you know, put that legwork in. Right. Exactly. Cause you know, it's, it's, it's, you know, there's always the 100 auditions until you get that one.

That's just like, yes, you're my person. You know? So you, you just have to keep hustling with that. It's constant every day. Yeah. And that's, that's everybody. Like, it doesn't matter how long you've been in this industry or how little you've been in this industry. It's the same for every single person. But tell me when you got the first, yes.

Uh, let's see. I got the first, yes. I had been submitting, like I said, those auditions on these different sites that I signed up for. And, um, it was a role in an audio drama actually. And, um, so I applied for one particular role. And, um, I actually heard back from them. They were just like, well, we don't want you for this role, but there's actually this other role that we think you would be perfect for, you know, I was thinking it was a straight rejection.

I was just like, eh, well, okay, next one. But no, they were just like, no, we, there's this other role in this particular audio drama that we think you would be. Perfect for, and I was just like, bring it on. I was like, sure. You know, of course I was like, well, yes, thank you. Of course. Thank you for the opportunity, you know, being a professional.

I got off that zoom and I screamed like a lunatic. I was just like, Oh my God, that was so, it just was this huge rush of, okay. So maybe there's something to this. You know, maybe I do have something, some little bit of sparks that somebody recognized. So it was on from there. So, um, you know, it was a small part, but I really don't care.

I got my feet wet and, you know, even to this day, it can be a 15 second bit or it can be an audio book. It doesn't matter to me as long as the opportunity is there and, you know, someone thinks I'm a good fit. I'm going to make sure that I'm a good fit. So that was my first one. Cool. Cool. Favorite thing you've done so far.

Um, let's see, honestly, favorite thing I've done so far is, um, it's another audio podcast is called original kin. Um, it is currently on Stitcher, Apple podcasts and Spotify. Um, I have a role. I am Norma. I am like the grandmother of the main characters, kind of like a. a spooky supernatural urban kind of story.

It's just way out in left field. Something that I never thought I would be doing, but, um, it's a great role and I absolutely love it. So I, I think that's my most favorite role so far. Cool. Cool. That's great. So, you know, for somebody maybe that's, that's thinking about You know, um, getting into voiceover or or maybe it is somebody who is part of the program right now with voice coaches.

Um, just anybody that might be listening and contemplating what kind of advice. do you have as somebody that was the person contemplating and now is doing it? Like what is the best piece of advice you have? Or maybe it's the best piece of advice that you've been given. Um, probably the best piece of advice I've been given is to never stop learning.

Just, just never stop. You have to keep going. There's always Some way you can fine tune what you do. Um, you know, whether it's an acting class or, you know, I've even taken improv classes, it's all kinds of different, cause there's so many different directions you can go in with this particular field. You know, you just never want to be one step behind everyone else.

So you just always keep learning. Um, Of course, the course, the course with voice coaches. com is 1000% amazing. And, you know, they also have other courses that you can take just to stay on top of your game and, you know, learn something new or kind of fine tune what you've already done. And, you know, the.

Extra information that you learn from the experts in the field can only get you farther. It's never going to pull you back and you're never going to take a step backwards from continuing to learn. Yeah. So, um, that's probably the best advice I've received so far. Yeah. You know, that is one of the biggest things that I, I've been.

Harping on at the end of a demo session with students, it's like, you know, cause it's, it's so easy that when you hear a note to get discouraged and take it personally and want to throw your hands up and just kind of give up. But, you know, the thing, the truth of the matter is, is like every audition, every conversation, every.

investigation of finding something to audition for, like all of it is a learning experience if you allow it to be, uh, you know, and any feedback you get is a learning experience. If you allow it to be, it could be negative feedback, but you take it, you grow with it. And then you, you take that with you for the next audition.

Um, you know, so it's like all of this. Your glass can always be half full if you want it to be. It's just a matter of changing your perspective on, on how you're looking, what your outlook really truly is. Um, so we'll listen, Kelly, let us know where, if somebody wanted to hear what you've been doing, do you have, like, do you have your website?

Is there a social media platform you prefer? Like what, where can people find you? Yes, absolutely. Um, I can be found on Facebook and Instagram at Kelly Simmons, white V O. And, um, you can always hear my demos on the wonderful site that is hosted by my friends at Kelly Sim, Kelly, sorry, kellywhite. ikinvoice.

com. And my, um, my, both my commercial and narration demos are there as well. Um, if I can, you can give me a call 804 396 2396. You can also email me at kw. expressivereflections at gmail. com. So I can be reached anywhere and everywhere and I will respond as quickly as I can. It was like she was a voicemail right now.

Look at that. Look at that. Leave a message after the beep. Uh, but all right. Well, Kelly, listen, it's been great catching up. I'm so glad that you are. Enjoying this and you're getting some work and you're, you're having fun with it and you're just spreading your wings, girl. That's what it's all about.

Absolutely. Thank you so much guys for your guidance and, um, just the support that I still receive even to this day. Um, with this journey I'm on, thank you so much. If it wasn't for you guys, I would not be here. And I mean that 100%. Well, hey, we're glad that we could be a part of your journey and we always will be as long as you want to reach out at any point.

We're always here for guidance. So, uh, listen, we're going to have more episodes of the podcast coming up again next Friday. You can catch up on podcasts from, from the previous by, uh, just, uh, wherever you stream or head over to voicecoaches. com. And if you ever have anything that you want us to tackle on the podcast, info at voicecoaches.

com. Guys, new episodes again next week. Stay safe.

Visit voicecoaches. com for more voiceover news and information.

This week on Voice Coaches Radio, Marissa chats with former VC student, Kelly White who has had some fun stuff happening for her! Hear her tell her story on how she’s been playing the voice over field!