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Voice Coaches Radio #520 – YIPE! Performance Anxiety

Voice Coaches Radio. Everything voiceover. Welcome to a brand new episode of Voice Coaches Radio. My name is Marissa and I hope that this is finding you well today. You know, here, here we are near the end of February already. And, uh, I will tell you this. If you've been anywhere that has been cold, and snowy, and gray, you're so incredibly ready for anything that's not any of those things I just mentioned.

The vitamin D, the lack of vitamin D that has been happening in upstate New York lately is just, uh, well, it's sad, you know? And I was originally supposed to go to Florida in April, and I had my, my couple friends kind of, uh, drop out of that trip, and I was like, oh, well, maybe I'll go by myself. And then apparently I waited too long for that flight.

I went to look at it and 550 bucks to get to Florida right now for April. I was like, yeah, I'm going to hold off on that for just a moment. We're going to re rethink this and maybe plan for the nice weather again in the fall. You know, uh, when I want, when I'm desperate for more vitamin D, once it gets gross again.

But, uh, yeah, I gotta plan, plan accordingly for that one, but, uh, hopefully you're getting through it all and, uh, You know, this is a question that had actually popped up very recently, uh, you know, I had a student email me and It's, it's something that I will admit, it happens to me still on occasion too, depending on the project, but it comes down to performance and Anxiety and here's the thing we did actually just earlier this week.

It was be humble day And I mean, hey, we missed officially celebrating it but i'll tell you nothing makes you more humble and grounded than when you see that red light recording and you're like You know and it just I think there's just uh something about Knowing that you're officially being recorded, that the subconscious sometimes kicks in and is like, Nope, we can't do this today.

It's not gonna happen. Uh, but I know that for myself, uh, this was something that was a little challenging at first, and I think, you know, there's a lot of people that are, as they're trying to get started here in the industry, and just maybe even getting ready to record a demo, or whatever, just even in the practice of it, it's like you go to record yourself, maybe on a phone or a laptop, and, and you know that it's It's just you and your recording and that's all it takes sometimes is to like, uh, knock those nerves, uh, into place and, and, uh, kind of throw off everything that's happening.

Uh, but the, the student had asked me like, how do I calm myself and will it ever get easier? So let's, let's tackle that first part of this, um, you know, because I do, I do think there are ways to help yourself in scenarios like this. It's just, it's a matter of you kind of getting out of your own head, but also getting in your own head.

Like, I realize me saying this is, it's not really making any sense right away. Uh, but you know, your brain. It is triggering you to have this kind of reaction, right? So it's like you kind of have to tell yourself to, okay, calm down here. I got a deep breath and just realize that you've put the practice in, you've put the hard work in, stop trying to like talk yourself out of it, you know, like that, that you didn't do enough or that you're going to be awful.

Like that's really what's happening is like, you know, you're kind of psyching yourself up to, to fail, uh, in a lot of ways. Um, you know, so it's like we have to take that nice deep breath and just close your eyes, ground yourself real quick and say to yourself, all right, I got this and just go into it. And what I'll tell you is.

You know, there's a lot of different types of, I guess you could say like meditative tactics that you could throw in that you could try. I would suggest, you know, going to YouTube and searching some different things that you can do to help calm yourself down. But the best thing outside of this deep breath and this kind of like shaking out the anxiety, which I do actually suggest, like physically shaking your arms at times, um, you know, before, because it kind of gets some of that nervous energy out, you know, really at the end of the day, it comes down to doing and it comes down to building confidence in your practice, in your doing.

Uh, the more you do, the easier anything gets. I mean, think about the first couple of times you get on a bike, you know, there might've been some excitement there, but there was definitely nerves and you probably fell once or twice, you know, if you're me. You ran into a parked car, uh, you know, years after learning because I had anxiety over a plane potentially falling out of the sky, whatever.

I was eight, don't judge me. Uh, but you know, like these are the things that I'm saying, it's like anything that you're doing that's rather new, it always feels a little word, uh, weird at first, it feels a little scary maybe at first, but once you start to build that confidence in yourself, it's a lot easier to calm yourself down in these situations, you know?

So it's. It's, um, it's learned by doing and it's calming by doing, uh, but you know, will it get easier? I mean, yeah, I think about it. Go back to the bike reference, uh, you know, like those first couple of times, man, it was wobbly. Uh, you know, it was like, you're going downhill. It's like, oh my God, I don't know if I can.

And then all of a sudden, you know, you're like doing weird tricks and you're trying to pop wheelies and your mom is probably scared because she thinks you're going to break your elbow. And then you know what? Maybe one day you did, but you still, you got back on that bike eventually and you went right back to it because It is just like getting on a bike, isn't it?

Like, you just get right back on and everything is easy breezy. And the same thing is gonna go here for voice work. Uh, but it does take a little bit of adjusting as you're beginning. You know, you gotta build the confidence. You gotta trust yourself a little bit. And that's always the hardest thing to do at first.

I will say, you know, when you throw me in a situation, still, uh, you know, it's maybe, you know, I'm somebody that's like throughout my career. It's always been, uh, me being the one that's entertaining in a way of being silly or being very vibrant and upbeat and like, you know, very, uh, engaging because of that.

And if you try to get me to sit down and say, play my guitar and sing one of the songs that I've written, that's when I'm going to clam up and, uh, That's exactly when I'm gonna like just shut down, you know, like I, I don't know, I, I'd have a very hard time being serious and it's not been like a problem in my career because I could do a serious voice piece, but then you go and you throw me in a different, slightly different element.

of voice, and I, uh, I just have, like, the hardest time, even if it's just, like, recording myself on my phone, going back to, like, what we were saying in the beginning here. Um, you know, like, it, it's just me and I'm by myself. There's something about seeing that red button recording that can just throw off the vibe, um, but it will get easier.

Uh, you know, and I, I know that too, because I was working in a studio with some guys not long ago, a few years ago, and we were, we were actually working on some of the music that I had written. And, um, it, it got easier. Like, it was, there's something about that feeling of being judged, you know, that always pops up in the back of your mind.

Um, especially if you're, Not feeling like in my case like I'm not the strongest singer. I'm not the strongest guitar player I feel like my writing helps elevate all of that and and they you know, they were kind of helping me Understand what I could do to improve and and that's It's same thing with voice, like anytime that you're in a situation, uh, where you're in the studio, you know, what, basically what's going to happen is like, you're all there for the same purpose.

So it's like, just like me with writing that music and getting in that studio, we were all there for the same purpose. It was allowing us to elevate each one of those songs and really make them come together. And that's how your voice work is going to be too. Anybody that's working with you in those projects is going to be helping to elevate and get to where it needs to be.

Uh, but you know, it comes back to that, uh, initial. red lights or somebody being like, all right, we're recording that all of a sudden it's like, Oh, Oh, yipe. Okay. Uh, all right. I got this. Uh, but you do, you've got this. I promise. Uh, it's just a matter. You put the practice in it. You keep, you put the work in behind the scenes.

And the only thing that can happen is you can keep growing and be golden. Uh, so have that confidence in yourself. It takes a minute, but the performance anxiety, you know, it will dissipate as time goes on. And it will be just like riding a bike. If you've got a question that you want for us to answer here on Voice Coaches Radio, hit up info at voicecoaches.

com. Have a fantastic rest of your week. And we are going to be back with you with more new episodes coming up next week here with Voice Coaches Radio. Visit voicecoaches. com for more voiceover news and information.

This week on Voice Coaches radio, we discuss what it’s like when that little red record button is hit and how to calm those subconscious nerves.