VC Radio

Voice Coaches Radio #415b – Baby Bear made me! – March Announcements

Voice Coaches Radio. Everything voiceover. Hello, Voice Coaches Radio listeners. This is Sam without baby, Josh, otherwise known as Baby Bear. And I have a couple announcements that I want to run by y'all while I have your ears. First, being a professional voice actor begins with behaving like a professional voice actor.

And there's no better way to do this than by visually representing your name, your voice, or your brand. So, here's a couple of marketing steps right from the get go. My step one in a marketing strategy that anyone can employ is this. Say it out loud. Tell people. Tell 10 people. Tell 20 people. Make a goal to tell 20 people every month going forward for the year ahead.

That is so simple. It's pivotal for so many reasons. One, you're building confidence. And two, you never know who people know. Now, step two in a marketing strategy that anyone can employ is this, after saying it out loud, when you tell somebody in person the next time, give them a business card. This is also why I recommend a personalized logo crafted by an experienced designer.

So if you think of your logo as the first impression, that's what it is. It's your identity. It's your voice and name in picture. Now, our in house graphic designer, Anna, is now available for consultations. If you'd like, I'd be happy to set up a phone call with her for free. Next, some of the most successful people never stop learning.

That's why we developed XtremeVO. XtremeVO is a teleconference for our most serious students who are ready to step up and stand out. This month, we're offering two separate events. One on marketing, and the other one on copy dynamics. Let me give you an overview of what XtremeVO is. XtremeVO is a virtual voice over gym where an exclusive group, limited to 10 students, will come together to level up their careers, grow in confidence, and learn to truly stand out.

Now, there are two events coming up this month. The first one is the Marketing Workshop, and that's on March 27th. This workshop will answer your questions about what to do next, where to send your demo, how to build lasting relationships with professionals, and how to level up. It will even include a roadmap to keep you on course throughout the year ahead.

The next workshop is the Copy Dynamics workshop on Thursday, March 28th. This workshop will be a hyper focused lesson on bringing copy to life in an exceptional way. The goal is to analyze copy in order to play any script with creative, meaningful, and unique choices. Choices unique to you. So when are these workshops?

The marketing workshop is on Wednesday, March 27th from 6. 30 to 8 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. The Copy Dynamics Workshop is on Thursday, March 28th, from 6. 30 to 8 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. Each class is limited to the first ten and only ten people who sign up, and the price is typically 99 per workshop.

However, from now until end of day March 22nd, we're offering the last five seats to either workshop for 50 percent off. That's our 99 class. 1. 5 hours of leveling up material for only 49. Or, if you want to attend both workshops, you can get two for the full price of one. That's both workshops in March for 99.

There is a catch, and the catch is this. When you call, you have to say, I was recommended by Baby Bear. Josh is going to kill me for that. But anyways, do hurry. This is only available to the first five people who sign up. So again, call us before end of day Friday, March 22nd at 866 887 2834. That's 866 887 2834.

And say, I was recommended by Baby Bear for 50 percent off. of an extreme voiceover workshop. Thank you so much for listening. We'll be back soon with more Voice Coaches Radio with Sam and Baby Bear next time. Visit voicecoaches. com for more voiceover news and information.

To view upcoming sessions of our live, web-based introductory sessions, visit

Team member Sam discusses a few marketing tips, from developing good branding to simply telling people you’re building a career as a voice actor and giving them business cards.